Thursday, May 12, 2011

There are a couple problems with Obama's "Birth Certificate" that have come to my attention.

The birth certificate that the White House released lists Obama's birth as August 4, 1961. It also lists Barack Hussein Obama as his father. No big deal, right? At the time of Obama's birth, it also shows that his father is aged 25 years old, and that Obama's father was born in " Kenya , East Africa ". This wouldn't seem like anything of concern, except the fact that Kenya did not even exist until 1963, two whole years after Obama's birth, and 27 years after his father's birth. How could Obama's father have been born in a country that did not yet exist? Up and until Kenya was formed in 1963, it was known as the "British East Africa Protectorate". But, this is not the only thing that I found that does not jive.

The other item I looked into was the hospital that Obama was born in. On the birth certificate released by the White House, the listed place of birth is "Kapi'olani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital". This cannot be, because the hospital(s) in question in 1961 were called "KauiKeolani Children's Hospital" and "Kapi'olani Maternity Home", respectively. The name did not change to Kapi'olani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital until 1978, when these two hospitals merged. How can this particular name of the hospital be on a birth certificate dated 1961 if this name had not yet been applied to it until 1978?

Go ahead, look it up. I am not talking crazy talk, these are the facts. Like I said, I thought that this was a non-issue until the actual certificate was released. Now that it has been released, of course I had to look into it. I found these issues?

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Do They Even Have a Clue?

More than 112 Tomahawk cruise missiles struck over 20 targets in Libya the other day. Each one of these missiles costs roughly $569,000.00. This means that at least $63,728,000.00 was shot at Libya. As if our national debt wasn't enough. Now that the missile strikes have stopped, our fearless leader says oops i guess i shouldn't have done that. Turns out that attacking Libya angered both Russia and China. I don't know about you, but last time i checked, it's not a good idea to piss them off. 

Everything will be ok though, we have the S.T.A.R.T. treaty. Yeah, that one, where The US and Russia disarm their weapons, but we won't check up and make sure that both sides are fulfilling their end of the bargain. We will just trust that they are doing what they say.

Lets not forget about the Rebels though. We need to help them right? Turns out that they are being supported by Al Qaeda. So now our fearless leader is supporting a group of people that Al Qaeda supports. The friend of my enemy is my friend? that doesn't sound right to me.

On top of all the foreign issues going on, President Obama has decided that we should support Brazil drilling for oil so that we can buy it from them. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Why don't we just drill for our own oil here in the US? Obama has offered $2 Billion to support their drilling. As much as that bothers me, the recipient of this $2 Billion is the drilling company Petrobras which is owned by none other than George Soros!!! WHERE WILL THE CORRUPTION STOP?

Remember how in all the movies they say, "well at least it can't get any worse" and then it always get horribly worse. Well the same is true for the government. Obama's beloved Service Employees International Union (SEIU) has been planning economic terrorism by taking down capitalism and redistributing wealth and power. Part of their plan involves crashing the stock market. Last time that happened it was THE GREAT DEPRESSION!!! If my research serves me right, that was the worst time in american history! Why would anyone want that to happen again? I know i sure don't!!!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Never Waste a Good Tragedy

Every year something tragic in the world happens and the government over reacts, and the minute you think all the hype is gone, they bring it right back. I just read an article this afternoon that President Obama is back blaming guns for the shooting in Arizona. Let it go already. Owning a gun is a constitutional right. I know the left is all for Communism, Marxism, and socialism and and believe the constitution is outdated and you know better, but guess what... AMERICA DOESN'T! Guns are NOT what cause the problems, but rather help prevent problems. You don't believe me, look it up for yourself: If you knew every person on your block owned a gun would you try to rob them? I would seriously doubt it.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

How Far is Too Far?

Have we honestly come to the place where we can not make it through a single day without the help of the government? Everywhere you look the government is taking over this or passing legislation against that. Well I say it has gone too far! The role of the government was lined out by our forefathers in the US Constitution. There is no reason the government should be telling us how to live every aspect of our daily lives. The Department of Education is now threatening school principals with lawsuits if they do not monitor students' lunchtime chats and even their daily Facebook posts. First they decide what the kids eat for lunch and now they decide what they talk about.  What is next, deciding what they wear, who their friends are, what sports they can and can't play? Don't get me wrong, I by no means approve of bullying or harassment, but monitoring children at school and even "Facebook stalking" them is not the way to do it. It is not the job of government to raise our nations children, it is the parent's responsibility. This is merely another government grab for power and tightening the reigns on freedom even further. Adolf Hitler once said, "He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future."  That is exactly what our government is trying to do. They are trying to groom our nations children into what they deem best. Take Wisconsin for example, the teachers are teaching the kids how to protest.  This is outrageous and needs to be stopped.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

America... The Former Land of Opportunity

America was once the greatest country in the world. This is no longer the case. Our great nation has been declining rapidly for years. Take our national debt for example. Published numbers currently show that national debt is over $14 Trillion! Let me put that in perspective for you. After the devastating earthquakes and tsunami that hit Japan, the estimated repair cost is currently about $100 Billion and rising by the day. That means the United States debt is enough to repair the damage to Japan 140 times! Here is another example for you. If every single American (all 310,986,000 according to 2010 census estimates) had $45,018.10 in debt, that would equal the $14 trillion the United Stated government is in debt. It is time the government stopped its ridiculous spending, tightened its belt, and got its budget under control like the American people have been doing during this economic downturn.